Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Diamond Head Hike

Location: Diamond Head, Waikiki Oahu

Time of Year: July 2008

Other info: Wear proper footwear for this hike, I was wearing flip flops as our original destination was Kapiolani Park and then we saw Diamond head was close and decided to walk up and around to the entrance and hike to the summit. The Trail is in decent condition a lot of tourists, tunnel sections, stairs and darkness. Also water is essential as there is no source of water on the hike and depending on the time of day you can bake in the crater as there is not much shade to cool off in. In total our walk was around 10 miles from hotel to summit.
One thing that I remember from the hike is that the Diamond Head is comprise of Tuff which has a resistant to erosional forces i.e. wind and water which in essenes is not tough at all, kind of nerdy but I still remember it so it works.
Also the crater provided a home for a military base which is much smaller than the days of the mid 20th century so the trail that we walked is the trail that the military used to carve out its tunnels for strategic lookouts on the ridge of the crater.

(Taken from Google Maps)

The red circle indicates the location of Diamond Head Crater in relation to Oahu.

(Taken from Google Maps)

Point A: Location of the hotel
Point B: No significance to the trip just where we turned to move on to the park
Point C: Kapiolani Park/ Zoo (Original Destination)
Point D: The entrance road to the Crater
Total distance to this point 2.2 miles, total distance to summit 5 miles (estimation, one way)

The classic Hawaiian shot of Waikiki golden sand, turquoise water and Diamond Head in the back ground.

The summit of Diamond Head 760 ft in elevation

View from the top (NW) over looking Waikiki, Kapiolani park the beaches and the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean

View from the top (NE) over looking Waikiki's residential areas which are moving up the slopes. Also in the foreground is a hut that is connected to the many tunnels that are in the ridge created by the military as a look out.

View from the top (SE) over looking the Crater floor where the military base exists today but in a much much smaller scale. In the distance to the left is Koko Head which has a crazy seat of stairs going straight up the side. Also Hanauma Bay is located on the other side of the mound to the right of Koko Head.

This is some interesting dry plant life or former plant life as it looks dried up but it was really spiky looking and caught my eye.

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